Sunday, June 26, 2011

Battle Report: Tomb Kings

Ok, so this was my first game with the new TK's. I know, it took a while for me to get my first game in, but hey I work three jobs and have a pregnant wife, so time is limited. 
My list was (roughly) 
50 Skeleton Warriors 
Spears, Light armour, FC 
20 Skeleton Bowmen 

7 chariots 
30 Tomb Guard 
FC, Banner of the Undying Legion 
2 Scorpions 
1 Necrolith Colossus (Bone Giant) 
Casket of Souls 
Skull of the Foe 

Tomb King 
Golden Death Mask, Armour of Fortune, Shield 
Grand Heirophant Kateph 

Lich Priest Lv. 2 Nehekahran lore 
scroll of mighty incantations 
lichpriest Lv. 2 Lore of Light 
Dispel Scroll 
The visionary SC 
Tomb Prince 
great weapon, 

His list was....pretty crazy. He was practicing for Ard Boyz this weekend, but I wasn't since I didn't play in round one (had to work) 

30 Phoenix guard 
Banner of sorcery 
Banner of the world Dragon 
lv2 wizard 
and the rest was Sea guard, and ALL of the chatacter went into the unit of seaguard with the war banner. 
oh, and a five man unit of Shadow Warriors that he forgot about. 

I believe the prince had the folding fortress, which was set up in his right flank. we played the second mission. Both of his units were set up in his right flank, with his seaguard in the tower. Most of my units were set up in the middle except my skellies which went in my right flank(and never saw combat) 

He went first, and didn't move at all. He couldn't shoot me with his sea guard as I was too far away, but he got some spells off. Not too much. 
I played fairly reserved. moved up a little, but I was very cautious with my movement. I wanted the charge with my Chariots. Bone Giant was moving up the right flank. I used Desert wind to move him closer, and I tried a few other incatations, which were dispelled. SSC misfired and rolled a 3. 

Turn 2. he move his phoenix guard a little, got mystifying myasma off on my Chariots (but not with irrisistable force) so I took my chance and used the grand Heirophants Scroll that forces a toughness test. He failed it, but not on a 6, so he couldn't cast for the rest of the turn, but he didn't take wounds:( 
My go, I manouver a little more with the chariots, trying to get a charge next turn on the phoenix guard. Move my Bone Giant up so I might be able to combo charge with the Chariots. still forgot about the scorpions. 

Turn 3 
He moved his seaguard out of the tower, because he new I wasn't going to get anyplace near that tower. He shot my TG a little. Got Myasma off again on my TG this time (he thought I'd charge the seaguard), but failed a spell, so Teclis couldn't cast again. Miscast with his other guy, didn't do much. 
I charged the phoenix guard with my chariots, and (due to a lucky roll of 11) my Bone Giant just got in. I devastated the PG. I took No wounds and teft all but three there. they broke and I ran them down. SSC, now able to fire again shot at the seaguard, took out about 8, but they had the prince in there for Ld. 10. They passed their test. 

Turn 4 
He was still trying to get me to charge his seaguard so that he could stand and shoot. he moved to 5" away form them and still tried to shoot them. I just brought the casualties back in my turn. he cast myasma on them again and dropped all three stats by three. that hurt. he also cast Mind razor onto his seaguard unit (after moving the BSB out during the movement phase). 
I flipped my Chariots around and brought out my scorpions. one died due to rolling a 2 on the mishap chart. I cast the Incatation that adds an extra attack and extra shot on the .higher level of 18+ with the Scroll of mighty incantations. I miscast, and killed four archers, but brought back my Tomb Guard. I also put the 5+ ward on the TG. SSC misfired again, but rolled a six. 

Turn 5 
He finally charged my Temple Guard. He cast Myasma again on them and we were about to fight the combat when my wife called. SHE WAS IN LABOR. I swept all of my minis into the box as fast as I could and dashed out of there. His unit would have obliterated my TG, but that would have put it at a draw. 

My Wife gave birth to our fist son, and first child at 2:30pm the next day (16 hour Labor) May 20th 2011. 8 lbs 15 oz 21 inches long. Both mother and Son are doing great. 

He had a hard time choosing which spells to stop. Magic phase is key to new TK's. Love the Chariots, and the necrotechs, especially the Visionary. all in all, not too bad for my first go

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