Saturday, May 28, 2011

And the Tomb Kings Rode to War

First off, I would like to apologize for my long absence from the blogging world.  I have had a lot going on in my life, mostly the birth of my son!  y wife and I are extremely excited for the new addition to our little family.

  Now, on to the topic at hand...The Tomb Kings.  Now, I wasn't around for the first release of the Tomb Kings as their own army book back in sixth edition.  When they were released I was serving an LDS mission in Taiwan.  But when i got home and got back into the hobby, I was very interested in them  Who wouldn't be.

   An army of skeletal legions led by their ancient mummified kings, and supported by constructs of stone and metal.  But what really got me was the fact that they were undead, but not evil.  I'm not the most well versed person in the world, but usually undead=evil, but not so here.  The back story and "fluff" of the Tomb Kings army was very interesting.

   So,  about two years ago, I started a Tomb kings army.  I was getting tired of my usual armies and needed something else.  I had just sold my books back at school so I had about $150 in my pocket while at Dragons Keep and so made the plunge.  The result was an army that was fun to play and paint and put together, but not very competitive.  Were were in the closing months of Seventh Edition, and the Tomb Kings book was still running on sixth and had not aged well.  I loved the army, but with more tournaments happening in my area I needed to focus on a more competitive army.

Now, however, I can now put more of a focus on the Tomb Kings because their new army book is out.  A beautiful, full cover, hard back book that had me anxiously waiting for WEEKS leading up to its release.=, and I was VERY impressed.  I know, I know.  Many of you out there aren't all that impressed.. They didn't redo the core models at all, the Knights and stalkers look a little silly (to you) and the sphinx (especially the Necro Sphinx) loos like a Power Ranger monster (I'm looking at you Wayne Kemp and Dan Heelan).  But you know what?  I don't care.  I like the core skeletons.  I don't think they look that bad, especially in mass formation.  The Skeleton Horses that receive so much hate are basically anatomically correct for a horse skeleton, so I don't know what you guys want, and as for they stalkers/knights and the sphinx, I' not really planning on using them in my army so I really don't care what they look like, but keep in mind that they are supposed to be animated STATUES and so will look a little goofy, and that is basically what the Power Ranger monster were to, animated sculptures (yes, I watched that show).

   Rules wise, I'm VERY happy.  Not over the top, but not crappy.  I like them a lot.   My favorite new rule was is the change to "My Will Be Done."  Now a Tomb King or Tomb Prince will always give their Ws to whatever unit they are in.  This automatically gives a huge boost to big blocks of Skeleton Warriors.

  Another change that i really like is the magic lore.  Raising the Dead as the Lore Attribute is a wonderful idea, and it works really well.  Having more augment and hex spells in the deck, and only one spell that actually does damage to the enemy is a stroke of brilliance, and really pushes what I have always thought the Tomb Kings army is about, synergy.

  This is not an army you can push across the table without a plan (see Lizardmen).  When you take each individual unit by its self, they seem weak and easily killed.  But when put next to each other, and with the proper Character support, this army can be very effective.  Take your normal Skeleton Warrior for example.  Not too effective in combat,  Add in a Tomb King and they are now Ws 6.  so now those skeletons which would normally hit on 4's if not 5's will now be hitting most things on a three or better.  Still not good enough? use spells from the Lore of Nehekahara to boost them  How about adding killing blow and extra attacks to those same warriors?  So now you have a 4 point model, with two attacks, Ws 6 and killing blow.  pretty stinking good from where I'm sitting.

  All in all, i love the new book, and I can't wait to get some more games in with it.  keep an eye out for more on the Tomb Kings from the Bard.

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